Shree Swaminarayan English Medium School (GSEB)

A To Z For Parents

A – sk what went well at school each day and was he/she involved in it. 

B – e positive about your approach. 

C – elebrate your child’s special strength and skill and continuous to find ways to help your child be the best that he/she can be 

D – evelop your child’s social skills by allowing him/her to have various experience with many different people. Support informal play time as it is important too. 

E – ncourage your child to take responsibility for his/her own behaviours, school work and homework. 

F– orget adult concern when communicating with your child. 

G -Ive your child consistent expectation and support around homework. Establish a designated time and place for homework to be done. 

H – ug your child oftem at least three times a day. Older children need to be hugged and touched as well. 

I – nstill your child with a sense of routine around bed time. Active, growing children need lots of sleep. 

J – ump for joy with the knowledge that you and your family are the most important people in your child’s life. It is your values and strength that your child will imitate. 

K – eep your child adequately nourished. Start each day with a smile and a good breakfast. 

L – isten when your child has a problem. Enlist his/her participation in the solution. 

M – odel a sense of humour for your child. It will always serve him/her well. 

N – otice when your child does a job well and dresses neatly and appropriately for the weather. 

O – ffer your child opportunities to make simple decisions. These decisions will become more frequent and more sophisticated as the child gets older. 

P – ut your child’s successful work up somewhere in the house for all to enjoy. 

Q – uestion your child’s teacher and/or tutors often about how your child is doing in the classroom and/or in the team. 

R – ead to your child’s regular physical activity. Help him/her, establish a sense of fitness far life. 

S – hare your experience with your child. 

T – each your child good manners, how to respond and behave in social situations. This will create security in your child. 

U – nderstand that your child will make mistakes along the way. We learn from our mistakes and mature through them. 

V – olunteer to participate at your child’s school when you can. This demonstrates to your child that school is an important place. 

W – atchTV and videos with your child. Talk about what you watch together. Encourage limited, selective watching. 

 X – pect your child to try to do his/her best. Encourage quality work and ongoing effort. 

Y – ou can help your child to understand and cope with real life issues if you provide him/her with honest answers to questions. 

Z – oom forward along life’s pathways with zest and zeal. Life is an adventure.